Encrypt secrets in Terraform
In case you wanted to encrypt a value which should not be seen in source control Terraform allows for encryption in .tf
and .tvars
using RSA + Base64 Encryption.
It so seems that Terraform currently does not have a mechanism to encrypt values itself so this has to involve some external script.
Generate key pair
Personally I like having Terraform for generating these keys as I have this template ready but you are free to use openssl
for this.
NOTE: if you don’t yet have openssl
installed choco install openssl
on other OS than Windows use your favorite package manager
The boring way
PS> openssl genrsa -out id_rsa 2048
The Terraform Way
resource "tls_private_key" "ppk" {
algorithm = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 2048
resource "local_file" "priv_key" {
filename = "${path.module}/id_rsa"
content = tls_private_key.ppk.private_key_pem
resource "local_file" "pub_key_pem" {
filename = "${path.module}/id_rsa.pem"
content = tls_private_key.ppk.public_key_pem
Encrypt secret values
Now that we have private and public keys we can encrypt secrets using openssl
. As rsautil
doesn’t seem to work with in memory variables we pass in a secretfile
PS> New-Item -Name cleartext.txt
PS> Set-Content .\cleartext.txt -Value "mysecretvalue"
PS> openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey .\id_rsa -in .\cleartext.txt -out encrypted.txt
Now we should have an encrypted secret file within the same directory, now we can encode it.
PS> openssl enc -a -in .\encrypted.txt -out .\encrypted64.txt -none
Now we should have a base64 encoded string which we can only decrypt using the private key that we’ve created previously. I pipe clip
function here to get the value to my clipboard
PS> Get-Content .\encrypted64.txt | clip
Don’t forget to cleanup
PS> rm cleartext.txt
PS> rm encrypted.txt
Use encrypted secrets
Now we can use the secret value in Terraform files using the rsadecrypt()
function. To test this I wrote a small terraform code snippet.
locals {
encrypted_string = <<EOT
private_key_path = "${path.module}/id_rsa"
First I’ve pasted my encoded secret in heredoc format to preserve any new lines that were created for this encoded document, however after testing I realized that this didn’t matter much and we can trim new lines and get the same results, so the above can also be written in single line like this:
locals {
encrypted_string = "pezs7ThtbvR5S9oMsUo4UmRh3yMMkYzMyrTugpXOLXASccu5MVOJTZviD14PvZ02HBC8C2gA6hF/LSoXT6A4ba9CAbA9ZtDQHq9Gldf6BB20KArbzNDAFrHdgUhJQC/nTEuSHrIc5FNsm9JOYGCVEe/n/uhc/W9vkwgE5iAN1ACH3BLAn+KZ/5fV9r7IhtLsAr3sjGBJWGp9hQN8FcD/s9EoEtrhy4Gp3cuXmlseVJx5LuWeSSS6HT7glr7FCg38ow0jSp/Ucue/ak19TYdmBD2c4m+2lz95jkRl3R1Ip+m9cn+1R5TVeihgYUAhbY7/bXsPe6BvjcaP98h3J5Tbqw=="
private_key_path = "${path.module}/id_rsa"
EDIT My colleague suggested that we can get encoded output in single line format by adding a -A
PS> openssl enc -a -A -in .\encrypted.txt -out .\encrypted64.txt -none
Of course we could define this as a variable and not a local and have it in .tfvars
file or we could use file()
function to read the value from encrypted file but for my testing I did this just by copying straight into the file.
Now for the main code body I’ll output a new file with the decrypted value, also going to use the decrypted value as a prefix in random_pet
resource and have it output to console.
resource "local_file" "secret" {
filename = "./secretout.txt"
content = rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path))
resource "random_pet" "mypet" {
prefix = trimspace(rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path)))
output "rsadecrypt_output" {
value = trimspace(rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path)))
output "random_pet_name" {
value = trimspace(random_pet.mypet.id)
Let’s do a terraform init
followed by terraform plan
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# local_file.secret will be created
+ resource "local_file" "secret" {
+ content = <<-EOT
+ directory_permission = "0777"
+ file_permission = "0777"
+ filename = "./secretout.txt"
+ id = (known after apply)
# random_pet.mypet will be created
+ resource "random_pet" "mypet" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ length = 2
+ prefix = "mysecretvalue"
+ separator = "-"
Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Lastly terraform apply -auto-approve
local_file.secret: Creating...
random_pet.mypet: Creating...
random_pet.mypet: Creation complete after 0s [id=mysecretvalue-master-airedale]
local_file.secret: Creation complete after 0s [id=aaf05d4870a3af4a183c0885592a85035f8bbf0f]
Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
random_pet_name = "mysecretvalue-master-airedale"
rsadecrypt_output = "mysecretvalue"
Happy coding :)