Encrypt secrets in Terraform

3 minute read

In case you wanted to encrypt a value which should not be seen in source control Terraform allows for encryption in .tf and .tvars using RSA + Base64 Encryption.

It so seems that Terraform currently does not have a mechanism to encrypt values itself so this has to involve some external script.

Generate key pair

Personally I like having Terraform for generating these keys as I have this template ready but you are free to use openssl for this.

NOTE: if you don’t yet have openssl installed choco install openssl on other OS than Windows use your favorite package manager

The boring way

PS> openssl genrsa -out id_rsa 2048

The Terraform Way

resource "tls_private_key" "ppk" {
  algorithm = "RSA"
  rsa_bits  = 2048

resource "local_file" "priv_key" {
  filename = "${path.module}/id_rsa"
  content  = tls_private_key.ppk.private_key_pem

resource "local_file" "pub_key_pem" {
  filename = "${path.module}/id_rsa.pem"
  content = tls_private_key.ppk.public_key_pem

Encrypt secret values

Now that we have private and public keys we can encrypt secrets using openssl. As rsautil doesn’t seem to work with in memory variables we pass in a secretfile

PS> New-Item -Name cleartext.txt
PS> Set-Content .\cleartext.txt -Value "mysecretvalue"
PS> openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey .\id_rsa -in .\cleartext.txt -out encrypted.txt

Now we should have an encrypted secret file within the same directory, now we can encode it.

PS> openssl enc -a -in .\encrypted.txt -out .\encrypted64.txt -none

Now we should have a base64 encoded string which we can only decrypt using the private key that we’ve created previously. I pipe clip function here to get the value to my clipboard

PS> Get-Content .\encrypted64.txt | clip

Don’t forget to cleanup

PS> rm cleartext.txt
PS> rm encrypted.txt

Use encrypted secrets

Now we can use the secret value in Terraform files using the rsadecrypt() function. To test this I wrote a small terraform code snippet.

locals {
    encrypted_string = <<EOT
    private_key_path = "${path.module}/id_rsa"

First I’ve pasted my encoded secret in heredoc format to preserve any new lines that were created for this encoded document, however after testing I realized that this didn’t matter much and we can trim new lines and get the same results, so the above can also be written in single line like this:

locals {
    encrypted_string = "pezs7ThtbvR5S9oMsUo4UmRh3yMMkYzMyrTugpXOLXASccu5MVOJTZviD14PvZ02HBC8C2gA6hF/LSoXT6A4ba9CAbA9ZtDQHq9Gldf6BB20KArbzNDAFrHdgUhJQC/nTEuSHrIc5FNsm9JOYGCVEe/n/uhc/W9vkwgE5iAN1ACH3BLAn+KZ/5fV9r7IhtLsAr3sjGBJWGp9hQN8FcD/s9EoEtrhy4Gp3cuXmlseVJx5LuWeSSS6HT7glr7FCg38ow0jSp/Ucue/ak19TYdmBD2c4m+2lz95jkRl3R1Ip+m9cn+1R5TVeihgYUAhbY7/bXsPe6BvjcaP98h3J5Tbqw=="
    private_key_path = "${path.module}/id_rsa"

EDIT My colleague suggested that we can get encoded output in single line format by adding a -A flag.

PS> openssl enc -a -A -in .\encrypted.txt -out .\encrypted64.txt -none

Of course we could define this as a variable and not a local and have it in .tfvars file or we could use file() function to read the value from encrypted file but for my testing I did this just by copying straight into the file.

Now for the main code body I’ll output a new file with the decrypted value, also going to use the decrypted value as a prefix in random_pet resource and have it output to console.

resource "local_file" "secret" {
    filename = "./secretout.txt"
    content = rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path))

resource "random_pet" "mypet" {
    prefix = trimspace(rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path)))

output "rsadecrypt_output" {
    value = trimspace(rsadecrypt(local.encrypted_string,file(local.private_key_path)))

output "random_pet_name" {
    value = trimspace(random_pet.mypet.id)

Let’s do a terraform init followed by terraform plan

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # local_file.secret will be created
  + resource "local_file" "secret" {
      + content              = <<-EOT
      + directory_permission = "0777"
      + file_permission      = "0777"
      + filename             = "./secretout.txt"
      + id                   = (known after apply)

  # random_pet.mypet will be created
  + resource "random_pet" "mypet" {
      + id        = (known after apply)
      + length    = 2
      + prefix    = "mysecretvalue"
      + separator = "-"

Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Lastly terraform apply -auto-approve

local_file.secret: Creating...
random_pet.mypet: Creating...
random_pet.mypet: Creation complete after 0s [id=mysecretvalue-master-airedale]
local_file.secret: Creation complete after 0s [id=aaf05d4870a3af4a183c0885592a85035f8bbf0f]

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


random_pet_name = "mysecretvalue-master-airedale"
rsadecrypt_output = "mysecretvalue"

Happy coding :)